This is an example of the residences in the neighorhood. It is so charming and inviting. This neighborhood is quiet compared to other areas of the city. The streets are narrow and there are few cars.
Every available surface is used to artistically.
Even the fences are works of art.
We had lunch on the patio of Pablo Neruda's historic home site. He is a much loved poet who was very liberal and self focused. Some would not agree with my assessment. He has historic houses all over Chile, filled with his various collections of neat stuff.
This is a mosaic. These street art projects pop up everwhere in the barrio.
The federal police are on horses here which adds to the charm. Oh! Santiago, we are going to miss you!
Where friends meet.
These guys belong in the zoo. Which happens to be just up the hill from the barrio.
No day is complete without stopping at a side walk cafe for dessert. This little treat cost us about $6 each for an ice cream sundae. Everything here is mucho dinero.