Sunday, September 20, 2009

Scenes from Our Life in Chile Winter 2009

We walk all the time in Santiago. This view is one block from our apartment taken on a Saturday afternoon, the 12th of September.
The 11th of September is the anniversary of the revolution when Pinochet took the government over. It is a feared day because many people have opposing views in Chile and there is always some violence on the 11th. In fact, all missionaries have to stay in after 7pm on that evening to be safe. Things close up and in the rough sections of town there is mob violence. So the following day we were interested to view a celebration of this take over.

Many people were yelling: Viva Pinochet! There are strong opinions pro and con.
People dressed their dogs for the rally.
One this same Saturday the buses rolled in filled with Mormons from all over Chile to attend the Santiago Temple. Sometimes, they have as many as 7 bus loads who will spend the day or two days doing work in the Temple.
They bring their children who often play on the temple grounds. These are precious.

This is Anna-Marie in a coastal town taking a break after a zone conference.
Bryce and David Dixon at a museum south of Santiago.

A popular eating place in the mountains about an hour out of town.
Our friends from Canada, George and Gail Schow. He is a dentist and getting special training in Santiago. She and I teach a music conducting course together at church.
This is David Dixon, a missionary serving as the area doctor for the missionaries. Anna-Marie and David work together to help sick missionaries.

Interior of a famous Catholic Church in Chillan, Chile about 4 hours south of Santiago. We travelled there with the Dixons to attend a wedding and bless a new baby.

Notice that it is winter. Very cute phone booth don't you think?

This is a meat lover's paradise. Shopping in South America is never boring.

Notice the pesos.

The greatest sacrifice of serving a mission is missing our grandchildren. As you can see, baby Hannah is a great comfort to a grandfather without his grandchildren.

This is Hannah's extended family. Her mother is a US citizen, her father is a Chileno. Her paternal grandfather has never owned a car in his entire life. Life is very different in South America.
Now isn't this the most beautiful thing you have seen posted on this blog?
Mother and daughter, Viri and Hannah. They are moving to Nevada to be with Viri's family so we will see them all again in the United States.
Wonderful new friends that we look forward to introducing to our own family someday.


Lora Dawn said...

Wonderful scene sharing - - thanks. I can feel your love for our Andean brothers and sisters. And, yes, I was done with my Sunday nap!

vandj said...

We're glad you were able to come to Hannah's blessing and got to visit Chillan. We look forward to having you over in Las Vegas. Hannitah says hi!